New Page: Article Index

7 09 2010

We’ve just added a new page – Article Index. We’ll be using this page to post links to journal entries, or even online news articles, for both our reference and the benefit of anyone who’d like to read more about research that’s been done in appropriate technology and health systems modeling.

If you know of an interesting and relevant article that’s not on our list, let us know! Post a comment on the page, or on this post, or email Amy at acanham at

How can you get involved?

27 08 2010

The 100×100 group is looking for anyone interesting in technology design for developing countries!  We’d love to hear from people who…

  • have a project idea, whether small-scale or world-changing
  • have experience working in resource-limited settings
  • would like to join our discussions, or contribute enthusiasm or expertise to our projects!

To jump right in, comment on this post or contact Amy Canham directly at acanham *at*

Future Of Health: Handheld Hospital

16 08 2010

Some examples of telemedicine and portable diagnostics for the developing world:

This post is part of a PSFK Consulting project aimed at providing insight into the Future of Health. Handheld Hospital is one trend of fifteen that appears in our exploration of  how technology and access to information play a vital role in the ways that people will understand, manage and receive care whether that’s at home, in hospitals and clinics or in doctor’s offices.”

The need for health systems modeling

5 08 2010

Just stumbled upon this great article on system dynamics modeling for public health, with this quote about why complex health systems must be examined from system-wide perspective:

“The term dynamic complexity has been used to describe such evolving situations.  Dynamically complex problems are often characterized by long delays between causes and effects, and by multiple goals and interests that may in some ways conflict with one another.  In such situations, it is difficult to know how, where, and when to intervene, because most interventions will have unintended consequences and will tend to be resisted or undermined by opposing interests or as a result of limited resources or capacities.”

Well put.

Social Entrepreneur Mondays@Tantric

3 08 2010

TiE Social Entrepreneurs Monthly Meetup

Each month, TiE sponsors a networking event for social entrepreneurs in and around Boston.  Last night I attended the event for August, with the focus “Low Cost Health Solutions for the Developing World”.  The food was delicious and the presentations were fascinating!  Next month, the topic is “Innovative Micro-Finance Solutions.”  You can sign up to RSVP on by clicking the link above.

“Babies Babies Babies!

29 07 2010

Here is a post from a Peace Corps Volunteer that is in Zambia. She talks about helping out with Child Health Week, children taking baths, food, and conversations with locals.

An excerpt:

There has been a pretty bad outbreak of measles in Zambia so the Child Health week was geared just towards giving information about measles and then giving the vaccine to kids 6 months to 4 years 11 months. My job in this process was to write down the child’s name and age on a pink card. It was pretty hectic, and at times overwhelming. One of the saddest parts was that sometimes if the mother didn’t have the under 5 card, she didn’t know the day, month or even YEAR her child was born. Just as bad- many of the mother’s couldn’t spell their children’s names. I understand they do not have to write it very much- but it is still pretty sad that they give their child a name they can’t spell. The positive is that hundreds of kids are now protected from measles.

Speaking of babies… I have to mention how funny it is when the kids in the village get bathed. You know when a child has recently been bathed because they are literally GLOWING. The mothers here SLATHER the kids in either glycerin or petroleum jelly after being washed.

African Studies Give Women Hope in H.I.V. Fight

26 07 2010
NYTimes article detailing the CAPRISA 004 Tenofovir Gel Trial –  the first study of a microbicidal product containing an antiretroviral drug.  The trial showed that the gel, when  used correctly, reduces HIV infections by 39%!

HIV Testing for Children in Resource-Limited Settings: What Are We Waiting For?

26 07 2010

An interesting article detailing the shortcomings of Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs in African countries, and why infant and pediatric HIV testing programs are needed to supplement these.  Co-written by Scott Kellerman from the Center for Health Services (Management Sciences for Health) and Shaffiq Essajee from the Clinton Health Access Initiative (Clinton Foundation).

Project: Redesign of Local Trauma Equipment

19 05 2010

Summary: Nearly all of the equipment needed to treat trauma patients in Zambia is imported. This causes multiple problems ranging from high costs to maintenance. There is a critical need for local design and manufacture of trauma equipment that will undoubtedly save countless lives. In this regard, this comprehensive project focuses on first understanding and analyzing the role and function of trauma equipment. The project will then do a needs assessment of these pieces of equipment. Finally, the project will focus on mechanical analysis, design and manufacturing of these pieces of equipment. Currently, we are focusing on simple mechanical devices including spinal precautions, C-spine collars for Cervical Spine protection, simple suction/water seal system for Chest Tube placement and drainage, locally made orthopedic splints and weight systems for setting fractures. All of these pieces of equipment are routinely used but are too costly for the hospital to procure regularly. Additionally, with the unique needs of patients, these pieces need to be available locally with robust designs. Design and manufacture of these pieces of equipment will integrate engineering efforts with a dire medical need in trauma and critical care. The project will involve close collaboration with UNZA school of medicine, departments of orthopaedics, surgery and critical care and the UTH in Lusaka.


A critical needs assessment of trauma equipment.

Design and analysis of mechanical components of trauma equipment.

Local manufacturability to produce robust, cheap and easy to use equipment.

Student Tasks:

To carry out extensive assessment of needs and current status of trauma equipment.

To identify the failures in current trauma equipment and quantitatively analyze the reasons for failure.

To design robust, cheap and easy to use trauma equipment.

To evaluate local manufacturability of these components.

Project: Redesign for orthopaedic equipment to correct clubfoot.

19 05 2010

Project: Redesign for orthopaedic equipment to correct clubfoot.

Summary: Clubfoot is a common problem in infants and children in Zambia, whereby children a unable to carry out normal activities such as walking or running due to the angle of the feet. Fortunately, this problem can be corrected with a simple biomechanical device that consists of a metal bar connected to shoes at an appropriate angle and flexibility. However, this simple device is currently imported from abroad and any local manufacturing is done without any scientific basis or analysis. The current project will focus on first analyzing the problem in terms of the mechanics of the bone  and then developing a simple device that is easy to manufacture, is robust and is able to keep the feet at appropriate angles without causing major stresses or other orthopaedic abnormalities. The mechanical testing of the material for appropriate material and stress properties as well as age appropriate angles and flexibility are critical components that need to be addressed. The project will involve close collaboration with UNZA school of medicine, department of orthopaedics and the UTH in Lusaka. Improvements in this design will hopefully lead to better manufacturing and significant improvement in the quality of life of many children facing challenges in mobility.


To carry out computational analysis of loads and stresses devices to correct clubfoot.

To design a simple device to correct clubfoot using the Ponsetti method.

Student Tasks:

To carry out literature review on mechanical analysis of clubbed feet and associated bones and cartillage.

To study redesign and material properties necessary for correcting clubfoot

To investigate the effect of body weight, age, height and disability on loads.

To identify areas of improvement and current bottlenecks.

To investigate the local manufacturability of the device.